Stop Smoking
What happens when you try to quit the smoking habit on your own? Are you quickly pushed back into smoking by stress, nagging thoughts, or overwhelming cravings?
What is happening is that your own subconscious mind is fighting your conscious efforts because it believes that smoking is good for you. After all, wasn’t it really great to smoke when you were young? All your friends were doing it and it drove your parents crazy!
Since you began smoking every time you lifted a cigarette to your lips it has triggered those same feelings of confidence and security associated with smoking when you first started. The sheer repetition of the habit continually reinforces in the subconscious mind that all you need to do to receive those good feelings is to smoke a cigarette.
Hypnosis can teach your subconscious what you already understand consciously: that cigarettes are not good for you and you no longer want them in your life! With hypnosis we can remove the effects that come from years of constant smoking. We can give your inner mind a new source for those good feelings, a healthy source that adds to life instead of taking from it. The subconscious accepts those suggestions easily. When this is properly done you no longer feel a need for something outside yourself to feel good. And you also don’t replace the smoking habit with a habit of overeating. There is no battle going on inside of you. You simply don’t think about cigarettes. You are a nonsmoker.
Understand that hypnosis will only work when you have the proper motivation. You must truly want to quit smoking for yourself. When you have reached a point when you can say “I hate these things and I want them out of my life!” is when you are ready to make your hypnosis a success. Say it out loud and see for yourself. Look at a cigarette and say these words: “I hate you and I don’t want you in my life anymore.” If you can’t say those words with feeling, then save your time and money. If you can say those words and mean them, then hypnosis will work beautifully for you.